On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:

> hi...
> >   CREATE FUNCTION fn_fubar(int4) AS
> >   'UPDATE foo SET bar = tmp.numb FROM tmp WHERE tmp.numb = $$'
> >   LANGUAGSE 'sql';
> i hate $1, $2 personally.. they make my eyes cross eventually (esp. once you
> have 3 or 4 params.. ick) and they are hard to maintain in larger functions
> (what was that $2 param again???)
> so i usually use pl/pgsql and do this:
>    CREATE FUNCTION fn_fubar(int4) returns int4 AS '
>      DECLARE
>         myParam   alias for $1;
>      BEGIN
>        UPDATE foo SET bar = tmp.numb FROM tmp WHERE tmp.numb = myParam;
>        return myParam;
>      END; '
>    LANGUAGSE 'pl/pgsql';
> more typing, but easier to read and maintain later... but then, i'm picky.
> -- 
> Aaron J. Seigo
> Sys Admin

Ok, thanks, I must admit I wasn't really aware of pl/pgsql, so this gives me a
reason to look into it.



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