Oh, and one other thing...

The example has a typo.  In the function, 'temp' and 'cust' should be the
same variable (doesn't matter what it's called).

Ed Loehr

Ed Loehr wrote:

> Sarah Officer wrote:
> > Can anyone set me straight here?  An example of a trigger which
> > calls a sql procedure would be much appreciated!  I'd like the
> > function to be able to access the rows which are being removed.
> How about examples of a trigger that calls a *PL/pgSQL* procedure that
> has access to the rows being removed?
>     http://www.deja.com/getdoc.xp?AN=570616874
> Oh, and I don't understand the opaque business yet, either.  But it
> seems I must return an opaque type for any function called directly by
> a trigger, and that OLD and NEW are only available to that function...
> Cheers,
> Ed Loehr


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