Jason Vasquez wrote:
> I've looked through the documentation, but I've not found anything that
> addresses this situation. Is this possible with PostgreSQL?  Or maybe there is
> a better way to accomplish what I want to do?
> Basically, I'd like to set up an ACL-like property for each record. A table
> could be strucured like this:
> Table ACL:
>    Attribute   |    Type     |          Modifier
> ---------------+-------------+----------------------------
>  uniqid        | varchar(12) | not null
>  date_created  | timestamp   | not null
>  date_modified | timestamp   | not null
>  read          | boolean     | not null default 'f'::bool
>  write         | boolean     | not null default 'f'::bool
>  execute       | boolean     | not null default 'f'::bool
>  delete        | boolean     | not null default 'f'::bool
> Table myItem:
>    Attribute    |    Type     | Modifier
> ----------------+-------------+----------
>  uniqid         | varchar(12) | not null
>  date_created   | timestamp   | not null
>  date_modified  | timestamp   | not null
>  author         | text        | not null
>  title          | text        | not null
>  access_control | acl         | not null
> PostgreSQL lets me create the class myItem with a "acl" field type, but I
> can't figure out how to insert multiple values (or any values!) into the
> access_control field...

Hmmm.  Why would you want that?  Do you really mean to insert multiple
records, each with an individual access_control value?  At the risk of
completely oversimplifying your problem, my guess is that you're
looking for the notion of a foreign key in myItem, i.e.,

Table ACL:
   uniqid   integer not null unique,  -- or use pgsql 'serial' type...

Table myItem:
   uniqid      integer not null unique,
   ACL_uniqid  integer not null  -- a foreign key into ACL

Ed Loehr


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