Hi Jan,

I fiddled around with the example you gave me and created the view with 
the necessary triggers.  Everything worked great up to this point.  
I think in order to get this to work with jdbc though there may be need some
changes to the jdbc driver.  When I tried to insert 16,000 characters worth of
text using
jdbc it failed with this error:

The SQL Statement is too long - INSERT INTO de_summary (dif_id, summary)
VALUES (3, 'XXX ... XXX');  //  There are 32,000 X's.

This same test worked fine with 8000 characters.  Any suggestions?  

My code looks like this:

    String sql = "INSERT INTO de_summary (dif_id, summary) "+
                   "VALUES (?, ?)";
    PreparedStatement ps = new PreparedSQL(sql,2);
    ps.setInt(1, summary.getDifId());
    ps.setString(2, summary.getSummary()); 


Jan Wieck wrote:
> >     If  you  don't  mind  to  have  a somewhat crippled DB schema
> >     during one release (7.0 until TOAST), let's see  how  we  can
> >     simulate LONG columns using a set of rules and triggers. Wait
> >     some hours and I'll tell ya how it could work  -  if  what  I
> >     have in mind works at all :-).
> Well,
>     the attached example (longtest.sql) needs the improvements of
>     current 7.0 BETA because 6.5 AFAIK doesn't support  unlimited
>     querystring size.
>     It  uses  PL/pgSQL for functions, that could be replaced with
>     some C equivalents for speed improvement and maybe checks  to
>     prevent  unchanged  LONG  values from beeing updated to avoid
>     unneccessary growth of the longtext_sink table if LONG values
>     aren't modified.
>     Also  it  has  the  limitation  that  you  NEED to be able to
>     identify the  row's  to  be  updated/deleted  by  some  other
>     field(s)  in  the  rules  (key  in this case). But who really
>     IDENTIFIES a row by a  potentially  multiple  KB  sized  text
>     field?
>     Other  than  that,  you'll  have  a "table" longtest with the
>     fields
>         key     integer
>         content text
>     where you can INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE and SELECT on. In  reality
>     it  is a view with some additional rewriting rules. The rules
>     use the mentioned functions to unlimit the content  attribute
>     by  turning the LONG value into an integer ID and reconstruct
>     the value from it on SELECT. The  view  has  a  shadow  table
>     where only the small key and the LONG ID get stored.
>     I haven't run any performance tests on it and expect it to be
>     damned slow when accessing the LONG value. But you can search
>     for  phrases that are stored across chunk boundaries, because
>     the LONG value is reconstructed on the fly and handed  around
>     in  memory for all queries. And if a query doesn't SELECT the
>     LONG value, it might be a win, because  then  the  huge  text
>     isn't  part  of  the tuples moved around in memory, sort sets
>     and the like.
>     Fiddle around with it and feel free to ask  me  if  you  need
>     help  to write the C equivalents of the functions to gain the
>     required speed for production.
> Jan
> --
> #======================================================================#
> # It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
> # Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
> #========================================= [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Wieck) #
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                       Name: longtest.sql
>    longtest.sql       Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>                   Encoding: 7bit
>                Description: LONG datatype example for PG v7.0

Christopher D. Gokey, Raytheon ITSS, NASA/GCMD
18 Martin Road, Shelburne Falls, MA  01370
Phone: Voice (413) 625-8129 / FAX 208-248-9055
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://gcmd.nasa.gov

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