I need to define a very large db in a disk partition /data that is not the
default partition of Postgres.
The Chapter 10 of the admin guide describes a procedure that fails (postgres

$ PGDATA2=/data
$ initlocation $PGDATA2
We are initializing the database area with username postgres (uid=40).
This user will own all the files and must also own the server process.
$ createdb -D $PGDATA2 ucc2
ERROR:  Unable to locate path '/data/ucc2'
        This may be due to a missing environment variable in the server
createdb: database creation failed on ucc2.

Any dea?
Thanks a lot. Stefano
Dott. Stefano Bargioni
Biblioteca della Pontificia Universita' della Santa Croce - Roma
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  <http://www.usc.urbe.it>
Personal web page:    <http://www.usc.urbe.it/html/php.script?bargioni>
--- "Si apud bibliothecam hortulum habes, nihil deerit"  (Cicerone) ---

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