I know this has a standard SQL interface, but I was wondering if there was
an existing web app that let you show schemas, create tables, edit data,
and all of that from one simple interface.  Does PHP provide this?  Sorry
for my confusing question. :-)

On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Egon Schmid wrote:

> Stan Jacobs wrote:
> > is there a version of psql that runs via web interface?  It seems like it
> > would be rather trivial to build if it doesn't already exist, right?  (And
> > generally, at least to me, "trivial" means someone's already done it.
> > *smile*)
> PHP: http://www.php.net/ http://www.php.net/version4
> http://www.zend.com/
> -Egon
> -- 
> Six Offene Systeme GmbH. Stuttgart - Berlin - New York. 
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