> Thanks! Turning off the nightly vacuum script did the trick. Now . . . any
> idea why vacuum would be so damaging? It certainly appears, at least for me,
> that the routine is more trouble than it is worth. Is it a malfunction that
> can be overwritten or a bug or something else?
> Again many thanks. I can sleep without fear now
> Rob
> >Do you have any automated program accessing the database overnight?  IE a
> >malfunctioning backup or vacuum script?  You might also want to do a diff
> >-C1 first_dump second_dump to see what is actually being changed.
> >
> >At 11:40 AM 4/8/00, Robert Cleveland wrote:
> >>Here's a mystery I hope someone can solve for me.
> >>
> >>We are entering blocks of HTML into a table called bodyparts. We use PHP3
> to
> >>break up these blocks into several chunks to keep the length below the
> >>maximum. When the end user calls up the section, the "bodyparts" are
> >>extracted and re-assembled.

How small is the "chunk"? If you have an index on it, it must be much
smaller than 8k. I recommend lower than 2k.

P.S. Can you give me the dump file so that I could dig into the
problem.  I think pg_dump -t the_table_you_have_problems is probably
Tatsuo Ishii

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