> On 11 Apr 2000 17:55:43 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew
> Schmeder) wrote:
> AFAIK Postgres doesn't (yet) directly support foreign keys. You have
> to supply that ability yourself, possibly through triggers and
> procedures.

AFAIK (and I led the project),

    v7.0  (released  soon  and  the version he asked about) has a
    fear amount of FK support.  The  implementation  misses  only
    MATCH  PARTIAL  and  PENDANT from the SQL3 specs, so it's far
    more than SQL92!

    Special thanks go to Stephan Szabo and Don Baccus; both where
    major contributors to the project.



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#========================================= [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Wieck) #

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