Today, our newest employee thought he'd upgrade the Perl interface to
Postgres.  So, he went into the source directory, and did "gmake install"
in the /src/interfaces/Perl5 directory.  Now, everything's broken.  Trying
to use it, we get:

perl: error in loading shared libraries:
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-linux/auto/Pg/ undefined symbol:

  Now, here's where it gets reeeeely nice.  The last system admin, who is
now gone, has about 50 copies of the postgress source lying around on the
disk (really bright guy).  They're all 6.5.3, except for the rpm's for
6.5.3-2 and 6.5.3-2nl.

  So, at this point, I have two choices:  Dump all data, reinstall, and
restore (a few days of dumping/restoring), or some nice soul can suggest
how I can fix this....

  Any suggestions?


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