Think of this problem as handling unix style filesystem hardlinks.

Consider two tables:

create table link (
  data_id int4,
  link_date timestamp

create table data (
  date_id int4 PRIMARY KEY,
  data_txt text

We may have multiple "link" rows pointing at the same data.

What I would like to implement is a rule that when a row is deleted
from "link" then if no other rows in "link" reference a row in "data"
then the row in data is deleted as well.

Here's what I've tried:

create rule
as on delete to link
do delete from data
  data_id = OLD.data_id 
  AND '1' = (select count(*) from link where data_id = OLD.data_id)

I've also tried '0' for the second conditional, but niether seem to

So, is there a way to accomplish this automatic refcounting either
with rules or some other trick?

Also, I think the count(*) is a bad idea because we only need to know
if a single entry besideds the one we are deleteing exists, not the
actual count.

Any suggestions?

"I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk."

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