Hitesh Patel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I just upgraded to postgresql 7.0 and was restoring my data when I
> noticed I had a function defined that used the builtin textpos()
> function.  This function was available in 6.5.3 but seems to have
> dissapeared in 7.0..  Is there any way to restore this function or has
> it been renamed to something else (i found strpos() but i'm not sure if
> that does exactly the same thing).  

Looks like it's called position() now --- that function has the same OID
(849) as 6.5's textpos(), and even more damningly points to a C function
that's still called textpos():

regression=# select oid,* from pg_proc where oid=849;
 oid | proname  | proowner | prolang | proisinh | proistrusted | proiscachable |
 pronargs | proretset | prorettype | proargtypes | probyte_pct | properbyte_cpu
| propercall_cpu | prooutin_ratio | prosrc  | probin
 849 | position |      256 |      11 | f        | t            | t             |
        2 | f         |         23 |       25 25 |         100 |              0
|              1 |              0 | textpos | -
(1 row)

We've made a number of changes in 7.0 to bring function and type names
into alignment with the SQL92 standard.  The incompatibilities I knew
about were in date/time types and functions, but I guess this is another
one ...

If you really don't want to update your app's code just yet, you can
install a pg_proc entry that defines textpos() with a CREATE FUNCTION
command.  But the long-term answer is to fix your code to conform with
the standard.

                        regards, tom lane

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