On Mon, 29 May 2000, Ron Chmara wrote:

> "Brett W. McCoy" wrote:
> > MySQL is great for small websites with small budgets with read-only data
> > or data that doesn't change often.  It doesn't scale very well at all, and
> > for larger sites it really falls apart without anyy referential integrity
> > or supprto for views.  But beyond that, you really need something bigger
> > like Postgres (for a big site with a small budget) or Oracle (for a huge
> > site with a huger budget).
> Have a db comparison toy. Lots of fun.
> http://mysql.com/crash-me-choose.htmy

And, sadly, totally inaccurate *sigh*  We've been working with them since
the beginning of time to get them to fix their various benchmarks for
accuracy ... we just recently had a long thread on it where one of the
guys workign witht the MySQL camp was going to push for changes ... but
even then, i believe taht there will be a helluva-lot of discrepencies :(

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