
    i created a database called  todojamon. (i wanted to make up of an
old database trying to copy the same directoy to ../base/todojamon as
before). but it does not work. i deleted the directory. now i want to
restart the procedure creating a new database called todojamon. but it

> psql todojamon

        FATAL 1:  Database 'todojamon' does not exist.
          We know this because the directory
'/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/todojamon' does not exist.
          You can create a database with the SQL command CREATE
          To see what databases exist, look at the subdirectories of
          Connection to database 'todojamon' failed.
        FATAL 1:  Database 'todojamon' does not exist.
          We know this because the directory
'/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/todojamon' does not exist.
          You can create a database with the SQL command CREATE
          To see what databases exist, look at the subdirectories of


> psql template1
     [inside postgres]
      template1=> create database todojamon;
      ERROR:  createdb: database 'todojamon' already exists
      ERROR:  createdb: database 'todojamon' already exists

how can i delete todojamon database??

thanks in advance.


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