Tomasz Rakowski wrote:
>  How restart of database server influances autovacuum process ?
> I think that somewhere on this mailing list I read that autovacuum in
> such case looses some important information and after database server
> restart will not behave as expected until VACUUM ANALYZE is executed.
> Is it true ?

No, this was only true in versions previous to 8.1.

Unless you stop the database in "immediate" mode.  If you do that, then
all the information that autovacuum uses is lost.  If you use "smart" or
"fast" it should work fine.

Alvaro Herrera       
"Porque francamente, si para saber manejarse a uno mismo hubiera que
rendir examen... ¿Quién es el machito que tendría carnet?"  (Mafalda)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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