
I am trying the following:

        critik=# select start_date from show_date order by case when start_date 
> CURRENT_DATE then start_date desc else start_date asc end;
        ERROR:  syntax error at or near "desc"
        LINE 1: ...se when start_date > CURRENT_DATE then start_date desc else 

If I remove the "desc" and "asc" then the quey is accepted but doesn't 
do what I want.

OTOH if I try:

        critik=# select start_date from show_date order by start_date case when 
start_date > CURRENT_DATE then desc else asc end;
        ERROR:  syntax error at or near "case"
        LINE 1: ...ect start_date from show_date order by start_date case when 

How can i order ASC or DESC depending on a condition?


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