Tom Lane wrote:
> Janning Vygen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> After this i create the index and it took 10 hours just for one index 
>> (primary 
>> key). I have 100.000.000 rows with one PK (int8), two integer data values, 
>> and two FK (int8)
> What PG version is this?  We did a fair amount of work on sort speed
> for 8.2.

yeah - back when i tested that during the 8.2 development cycle I got a
5-6x speedup with the external sort improvements.
ie sorting 1.8B rows (integer) went down from over 12h to about 2h10min
- but 10h sounds like a lot for "only" 100M rows - I wonder what kind of
hardware that is and how much concurrent activity is going on ...


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