Er, right.... I guess I should have asked if it's more likely to commit a running transaction than a prepared one.... and it sounds like the answer is "no". :)

On Thu, 19 Jul 2007, Tom Lane wrote:

Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I'm reading the description of PREPARE TRANSACTION, and I see this:
"...its state is fully stored on disk, and there is a very high
probability that it can be committed successfully..."

What corner case reduces 2pc from "guaranteed" to "very high probability"?

Well, for example, someone drops a nuke on your data center ...

Barring hardware failure, OS failure, or irrecoverable database crash,
the only condition I can think of that would prevent COMMIT PREPARED
from succeeding is out-of-disk-space on the WAL drive.  Which is a PANIC
condition anyway, and thus might be classed with database crashes,
although it's not irrecoverable so long as the admin can free up some
disk space.

                        regards, tom lane

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