"Mitch Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I was sitting here reading about TOAST and 7.1 and another question came
> into my mind.. I looked on the web page for some information about features
> to be added in 7.1 and an approximate 7.1 release date.. I found information
> on the TOAST feature as well as Referential Integrity  but nothing else.. If
> I missed it please just point me in the right direction, if not I'd like to
> as about the approximate time of 7.1 arriving in a stable form and if full
> text indexing is going to be a part of 7.1..

AFAIK there are no plans on the table to do more with full text
indexing; at least none of the core developers are working on it.
(If someone else is and I've forgotten, my apologies.)

Currently the plans for 7.1 look like this:

        * WAL (assuming Vadim gets it done soon)
        * TOAST (pretty far along already)
        * new fmgr (fmgr itself done, still need to turn crank on
                converting built-in functions)
        * better memory management, no more intraquery memory leaks
          (about half done)
        * some other stuff, but I think those are all the "big features"
          that anyone has committed to get done
        * whatever else gets done meanwhile

We were shooting for going beta around Aug 1 with release around Sep 1,
but don't hold us to that ;-).

Notably missing from this list is OUTER JOIN and other things that
depend on querytree redesign (such as fixing all the restrictions on
views).  We've agreed to put that off till 7.2 in hopes of keeping the
7.1 development cycle reasonably short.  Not sure what else will be
in 7.2, but the querytree work will be.

> I ask because if 7.1 is going to include full text indexing natively and is
> going to arrive pretty soon, I might not continue on this project as I have
> been (the new full text index trigger)..

Seems like you should keep at it.

                        regards, tom lane

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