On 2/8/07 13:35, in article
[EMAIL PROTECTED], "Michael Knudsen"

> Hi,
> I have created a database and imported a lot of data. I would like to
> share this database with other people but they should not be able to
> change anything. That is, they should only be allowed to use the
> SELECT command.
> If I create a user, this user can access the database and see the
> names of all tables. I can now GRANT this user permission to use
> SELECT on all tables. Apparently, this seems to solve the problem.
> However, I have noticed that if people access the database using my
> username (i.e. by typing "psql foo -u" and the providing my username)
> they get full access. I have tried to disable this by "ALTER USER
> username WITH PASSWORD 'password'" but that doesn't help. You still
> don't need to supply any password.
> I have used Google for several hours with coming even near a solution
> so any help is appreaciated!

Take a look at the pg_hba.conf in the PGDATA directory, you probably have
the connection set to 'trust'... Which won't require a password from that
connection location/type. You will need to run a "pg_ctl reload" to make any
changes take effect



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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