On Wed, 2007-07-25 at 19:32 +0300, Devrim GÜNDÜZ wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, 2007-07-21 at 15:57 -0700, Steve Wampler wrote:
> > I need the Java and Python interfaces supplied with
> > (from 8.1.9):
> > 
> >    postgresql-jdbc-8.1.4-1.centos.1
> >    postgresql-python-8.1.9-1.el4s1.1 
> The actual problem is I did not build jdbc packages for latest
> releases. 
> I just build 8.2 srpm, will test and publish it until weekend. Keep eye
> on Planet PostgreSQL -- I will blog after I push the packages to FTP
> repos.

Er.. can I ask where I can find the actual difference between 8.1 and
the 8.2 branch? Like the OP, I too would like to get 8.2.4 since it's
the latest stable version and since I'm installing it for use for the
1st time, I _should_ choose the latest stable branch.

I've just downloaded 8.2.4 rpms for rhel4 per the OP. Do I have to
install everything or.. will some parts do? 

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