On 10/08/2007 21:42, Scott Marlowe wrote:

Show us the query when you're done, I'm sure there are enough folks
who'd like to see your solution.

Here's what I came up with:

  select distinct ip.person_id from items_for_people ip
  where exists (
      select item_id from items
      where is_required = true
      select ip2.item_id from items_for_people ip2
      inner join items i on (ip2.item_id = i.item_id)
      where ip2.person_id = ip.person_id
      and i.is_required = true

This finds all those who don't have all the required items, whatever else they may have.

Comments and improvements are welcome!

Thanks for the help,


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland

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