On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 05:27:55PM +0000, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
> Hi,
> After our 7.4 to 8.2 upgrade using debian tools, we realized that some 
> of our timestamps with tz had shifted:
> For example '2007-04-01 00:00:00+02' became '2007-03-31 23:00:00+01' 
> which is on a different month. Some of our applications were severely 
> disturbed by that.

Youv've got the answer to your question, but I wonder if your app
really wanted just a "date" rather than a whole timestamp, which avoids
the issue entirely.

As for the difference between timestamp with/without timezone, it
depends on your usage. If the data represents an actual instant in
time, that you want to have rotated to the local time of the person
viewing, you need "with". If the data represents what the clock on the
wall said at the moment it happened and you don't want it rotated, no
matter what, you need "without".

Hope this helps,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> From each according to his ability. To each according to his ability to 
> litigate.

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