On 8/14/07, Sander Steffann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Lim,
> > "Lim Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Wow, you are right! The "su - postgres" showed up with wildly
> >> different values! Most notably, the "max user processes" is only 20!!
> >> Whereas in the regular user stuff it was above 14000. Would you know
> >> how to change this in a CentOS Linux machine? Where can I find the
> >> startup settings for postgresql?
> >
> > Yipes, that's pretty bogus.  The most likely culprit would be a .profile
> > or .bashrc script belonging to the postgres user --- poke around in its
> > home directory.
> It might also be in /etc/security/limits.conf.

Thanks. I see these two lines in that file:

postgres        soft    nofile  8192
postgres        hard    nofile  8192

How should I change these values? I am not sure how this reflects the
"ulimit" options.


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