Steve Wampler wrote:
... Specifically, I'm wondering if it's
possible to add a default rule that would create a new partition
(with indices, etc.) and would add a new rule for this partition
to match the similar ones above (and, of course, then move the
INSERT into the new partition).

I think I've answered my own question, but would love an expert
to validate the answer:

  The answer is "no", apparently because 'name' in

     CREATE RULE name ...

  can't be an expression.  So there's no way to dynamically create a
  sequence of rules because you can't create new rule names inside
  the body of the 'default' rule.  Ergo, no way to to auto-partitioning.

Is that correct?  Is that the only reason, or is 'create rule...'
simply not something that can be done inside another 'create rule...'?

It's possible to have a 'default' rule (of sorts) by taking advantage
of the alphabetic order of rule application, but that rule is unable
to produce new rules.  Pity.

Steve Wampler -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The gods that smiled on your birth are now laughing out loud.

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