On Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 05:48:50PM +0200, cluster wrote:
> I need a way to perform a series of money transactions (row inserts) 
> together with some row updates in such a way that integrity is ensured 
> and performance is high.
> I have two tables:
>      account_id int,
>      balance int
>   );
>      transaction_id int,
>      source_account_id int,
>      destination_account_id int,
>      amount int
>   );
> When a money transaction from account_id = 111 to account_id = 222 with 
> the amount of 123 is performed, the following things must happen as an 
> atomic event:
>         (source_account_id, destination_account_id, amount)
>         VALUES (111, 222, 123)
>    2) UPDATE ACCOUNTS SET balance = balance-123 WHERE account_id=111
>    3) UPDATE ACCOUNTS SET balance = balance+123 WHERE account_id=222
Why do you think you need to do anything special for this? As long as
you're doing these 3 steps in a single transaction, everything should be
fine. At most, you might need to set your transaction isolation level to
serializable, but I don't think that's actually needed.

> A lot of such money transactions will happen in parallel so I need 
> ensure integrity of the rows in ACCOUNTS.
> This might be done by creating an *immutable* function that performs the 
> three steps but this will block unnecessarily if to completely unrelated 
> money transactions are tried to be performed in parallel.
> Any suggestions on how to perform step 1-3 while ensuring integrity?
> For various reasons I might need to modify the ACCOUNTS table to
>     ACCOUNTS (
>      account_id int,
>      transaction_id int,
>      balance int,
>      <some other info>
>   );
> so that the balance for account_id=111 is given by
>    WHERE account_id=111
>    ORDER BY transaction_id DESC
>    LIMIT 1
> How will that effect how I should perform the steps 1-3 above?
> Thanks
> Thanks
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Decibel!, aka Jim Nasby                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EnterpriseDB      http://enterprisedb.com      512.569.9461 (cell)

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