Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Luiz K. Matsumura wrote:
Hi all,

I want to suggest a inclusion of an new function on the pg_catalog.
Since we have set_config(text, text, boolean)
can we have an get_config( text ) ?

Hum, isn't this current_setting()?

Oh oh, you are right, forget my suggestion... :-[ I'm lost in the ocean of functions of pg_catalog. lol

By the way,

select setting AS default_tablespace from pg_show_all_settings() x(name text, setting text, unit text, category text, short_desc text, extra_desc text, context text, vartype text, source text, min_val text, max_val text) where name = 'default_tablespace'


select current_setting('default_tablespace' )

can be considered equivalent ?

I'm just researching on a bug that i found in the new pgadmin3 and if this is equivalent i will suggest to pgadmin team to use it...


Luiz K. Matsumura
Plan IT Tecnologia Informática Ltda.

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