> Hi All.
> I've the necessity to use Crystal Report in my C++ project to report (in
> PDF) some PostgreSQL table.
> Any idea how to implement this functionality in my C++ project, or where I
> can find some useful CR documentation?
> All the Crystal Report documentation I found is about VisualBasic or C#
> API.
> Thanks in advance.
> Luca.


Good luck in getting a license from Crystal Reports. They set us a license
which didn't work (gave invalid id error). They spent over a week insisting
that the license was valid and us telling them that it didn't. We gave up on
them and went to Jasper Reports. In many ways it's a better product. Crystal
Reports also couldn't give us assurance that they would support Postgresql.
Jasper works great with it. We are using Jasper Server as well for delivery
of our reports and I think it's a great product.

I've used the Java API into Jasper - I've no knowledge of what the C++ API
would be like to it though.


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