On 9/11/07, Dmitry Koterov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We discovered some time ago that pgbouncer is NOT a balancer, because it
> cannot spread connections/queries to the same database to multiple servers.
> It's unbeliveable, but it's a fact! So, database name in the config MUST be
> unique.

Indeed, pgbouncer is just a connection pooler, not load balancer.

There has been some talk about adding load balancing to it, but
as it can be done as well in network level, I don't see much

>  So, it's completely magical for me why "Session pooling", "Transaction
> pooling" and "Statement pooling" options are exist (see
> https://developer.skype.com/SkypeGarage/DbProjects/PgBouncer).
> If pgbouncer is not a balancer, what purpose is to use "Statement pooling" -
> if we sent 100 queries (e.g.) in the same connection, they will always be
> directed to the SAME MACHINE in its different connections, no balancing
> optimization at all.

To use less connections on server side.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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