
I had installed postgresql-8.2.4 and tsearch2 with dictionary spanish.
My problem is:

        prueba=# select to_tsvector('espanol','melón');
        ERROR:  Affix parse error at 506 line

And if execute:

        prueba=# select lexize('sp','melón');
        (1 row)

I tried many dictionaries with the same results. Also I change the
codeset of files :aff and dict (from "latin1 to utf8" and "utf8 to
iso88591") and got the same error

where  can I investigate for resolve about this problem?

My dictionary at 506 line had:

flag *J:        # isimo
    E   > -E, ÍSIMO     # grande grandísimo
    E   > -E, ÍSIMOS    # grande grandísimos
    E   > -E, ÍSIMA     # grande grandísima
    E   > -E, ÍSIMAS    # grande grandísimas
    O   > -O, ÍSIMO     # tonto tontísimo
    O   > -O, ÍSIMA     # tonto tontísima
    O   > -O, ÍSIMOS    # tonto tontísimos
    O   > -O, ÍSIMAS    # tonto tontísimas
    L   > ÍSIMO # formal formalísimo
    L   > ÍSIMA # formal formalísima
    L   > ÍSIMOS        # formal formalísimos
    L   > ÍSIMAS        # formal formalísimas

If removed "Í" then I don't have problem, but the lexema is incorrect

I saw the post

Maybe Marcelo had resolve the problem, can you tell me your
configuration of tsearch2?

best regards

PD I need to resolve it for my work

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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