At 10:13 12/07/00 -0400, Lamar Owen wrote:
>Philip Warner wrote:
>> My guess is that this will involve a plain text schema dump, followed by
>> all BLOBs in separate files, and a script to load them. To implement this
>> I'll obviosly need to be passed a directory/file location for the script
>> since I can't pipe seperate files to stdout.
>uuencode the blobs, perhaps, using a shar-like format?

For the human readable version, the request was to make it editable and
sendable to psql. As a result the BLOBs need to be in their binary format
OR psql needs to support BLOB import from stdin. As a first pass I was
hoping for the simple 'dump them into files' solution.

What I am confused by is what people actually want to do with a load of
BLOBs sitting in a directory; if there are specific needs, then I'd also
like to cater for them in the custom file formats.

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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