On 9 21 ,   10 04 , "Charles.Hou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9 20 ,   3 11 , Hannes Dorbath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 20.09.2007 04:34, Charles.Hou wrote:
> > > i have installed thepgpoolin the server and start it. but how can i
> > > know it's working? i means that the clients  connected to the database
> > > by thepgpool.
> > Well, read the documentation, configurepgpoolto listen on 5432 - or
> > whatever your PG instance was listening on. Then configure PG to listen
> > on some other port and tellpgpoolabout it. Limit connections to PG to
> > localhost in pg_hba.conf, restart. If in doubt, strace it.
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Hannes Dorbath
> it's ok. i have setup it  successful.
> another question, when i stop thepgpool, it will not stop all the
> client connections automatically. it's the reason of thepgpool.conf
> value,or thepgpoolcan't force stop all connections.

sorry, i have found the answer.
$ pgpool -m i[mmediate] stop
Thanks, Hannes

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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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