how'd i "grant select on (all current and future tables inside a
private schema) to username" without turning that user into superuser?
"grant usage on..." doesn't do it.

or do i, everytime i batch/auto create the tables, do a "grant select
on (new table) to username"?
CREATE: For schemas, allows new objects to be created within the
schema. To rename an existing object, you must own the object and have
this privilege for the containing schema.
USAGE: For schemas, allows access to objects contained in the
specified schema (assuming that the objects' own privilege
requirements are also met). Essentially this allows the grantee to
"look up" objects within the schema.

using 8.1.4
cheers, jzs

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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