This will work for this particular example. But what if my case
statement is more complicated than that? Example:

   case metric_type
      when 0 then
         sum (1 / val)
      when 1 then
         sum (val)
      when 2 then
         max (val)
      when 3 then
         min (val)
   end as result
from metrics
group by metric_type


On 10/3/07, Rodrigo De León <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/3/07, Jimmy Choi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I expect to get the following result set:
> >
> > metric_type | result
> > ------------+-------
> >     0       |   2
> >     1       |   3
> Try:
> SELECT   metric_type
>        , SUM(CASE metric_type
>                WHEN 0
>                  THEN 1 / val
>                WHEN 1
>                  THEN val
>              END) AS RESULT
>     FROM metrics
> GROUP BY metric_type
> ORDER BY metric_type

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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