Erich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Following some sugestions on this group, I figured out the problem.
> First, there is no history.h with readline 4.1.  There's
> readline/history.h.  So I modified to include that
> file.  Also, I had to edit config.h, with several tweaks to various
> defines.  I had to tell it that there is no history.h, but there is a
> readline/history.h.  I had to put in that there is no history function
> in libreadline, and it must also use libhistory.  Etc.

configure is supposed to handle all that for you ... if it failed
to find the right location of libreadline and associated includes
then the question is why.  You sure you ran configure after installing
the include files?

                        regards, tom lane

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