On Oct 5, 2007, at 10:56 , Bill Bartlett wrote:

* Given it's an X- header, doesn't that mean the meaning of
the value
is implementation dependent? What's "bogus" wrt Outlook may not be
wrt another mail system or client
* Doesn't this indicate that Outlook is broken (for some values of

Actually, no -- this is why I listed a specific X- header (
X-Message-Flag ) rather than simply saying "Hey, would everyone please
turn off their X-headers". This specific X- header is designed to have Outlook "flag" a message and display an extra line of text with the flag
comment above the email.

If it were a specific *Outlook* header, shouldn't it be namespaced? e.g., X-Outlook-Message-Flag? Might not other email clients operate differently when they encounter the X-Message-Flag? For example, in your message, I see an X-MSMail-Priority flag, which I assume is a Microsoft-specific X-header. (I may very well be interpreting this wrong: brief googling didn't turn up anything, and I'm not an email guru.)

Anyway, that's all I have to say on the topic: I suggested alternatives, and as it's not a problem for me — and I don't believe my emails include X-Message-Flag headers so I'm not contributing to your problem — hope you find a solution that works for you.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

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