> From: Richard Huxton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Relyea, Mike wrote:
> > This seems to be a problem with the ODBC driver?  How can I narrow 
> > that down further?
> Well, first make 100% certain the query being executed is the 
> one you see being sent from Access.
> If so, the next obvious thing would be to set up an empty 
> database with the same structure as your live one and try the 
> query on that. If *that* crashes too then you can rule out 
> any data processing problems.
> It will also let you turn statement logging on in that 
> database (ALTER DATABASE SET ...) and capture everything the 
> ODBC driver sends. There might be something that leaps out at 
> you. Take all of those statements and put them into a 
> text-file and run them using psql -f <file>. That should 
> cause the same crash.
> If it does, it means you have a self-contained test-case that 
> someone else can look at for you. We can also test it on 
> Linux/BSD etc.
> Then, if you still can't see where the problem is, replace 
> the ODBC driver with a different (in your case older) version 
> and see if you still get the problem. Might be worth going 
> back a few versions too, to see if this is something 
> introduced recently.
> http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/odbc/versions/msi/
> Another option would be to try the odbc-ng project from 
> Command Prompt and see if that does the same thing. I believe 
> that's a completely separate code-base.
> https://projects.commandprompt.com/public/odbcng/wiki/Downloads
> Remember, *something* in the sequence of commands that get 
> executed from Access must be different than when you execute 
> them through pgAdmin.

Thanks.  I'll try that and see what happens.

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