i tried to restore a dump from 8.2.5 in which i had used tsearch2 and contains lot of tsearch2 index. when i tried to restore it to 8.3beta it complained about 'unknow command \r\n' . i know it is from tsearch2. doesnt 8.3 have tsearch2 enabled by default? with 8.2xx i used to create a database and run tsearch2.sql [from share/contrib/tsearch2 ], how do i do it in 8.3?

tsearch2 is built into pg 8.3, you dont need to install anything. They renamed some function n'stuff so you cant just backup/restore.

I have posted a upgrade doc to -hackers, but I'm the only one that has used it so far (that I know of), so I'd be interested in hearing if it works for you. (The doc may be include, after some clean up, into the manual, if it turns out to be useful)


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