2007/10/18, Laurent ROCHE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I am quite surprised I could not find a way to automatically reset the value
> of a sequence for all my tables.
> Of course, I can write:
> SELECT setval('serial', max(id)) FROM distributors
> But if I reload data into all my tables, it's a real pain to have to write
> something like this for every single table with a sequence.
> I would expect PostgreSQL to provide some command like:
> resynchAllSequences my_schema;

try something like

CREATE FUNCTION execute(in_sql TEXT) RETURNS void as $$
EXECUTE in_sql;
$BODY$ language plpgsql;

select execute(
$$select setval( '$$
|| table_name ||
$$_id_seq', coalesce((select max(id) from $$
|| table_name ||
$$),1), false ) $$
) from information_schema.tables where you want;

Filip Rembiałkowski

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