2007/10/18, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I don't know of any system that will just hand you those capabilities.
> Every multi-master system I've ever heard of requires high-speed links
> between the masters, otherwise the synchronization is far too slow to
> be usable.

I supposed so. However, I have the advantage of not having a massive
amount of data change anywhere at once...transactions are
human-generated (with as little as 20-30 users) and typically affect
just a handful of records at once. This means that an hour can pass
between two transactions, but at peak times, a transaction every
second or two might not be unusual.

> I believe you could do what you want in the application.  PostgreSQL
> 8.3 will have a native UUID type, which will help with managing conflicts
> between multiple masters.  If you can define clear rules on how to manage
> conflicts, that can be done automatically.  If the rules aren't so clear,
> you'll need an interface where a human can manage conflicts.

I don't intend to let conflicts occur...ever. Not in the sense that
two databases allocate the same unique resource for different

> With triggers and LISTEN/NOTIFY, you can put together an app that
> handles replicating data when tables experience changes.  From there,
> you'll need to structure your schema so such an app can detect conflicts,
> (create "last_updated" timestamps on all tables, and ensure that primary

I was thinking something along those lines. It might make things
easier if nothing was ever erased, only invalidated.

> keys include a UUID or other mechanism to guarantee uniqueness) and design
> some sort of queue mechanism to ensure updates can wait while network
> problems are resolved.

UUIDs didn't come to mind, thanks for pointing them out.

> How much effort such a thing requires is dependent on how complex the
> data is.  If it's a sales database (for example) it's not all that hard,
> since there aren't typical cases where two people are simultaneously
> updating the same record.

Well...it's a sales database...and the risk of simultaneous updates is huge. :)

> I know, for example, that the PA gaming commission is putting something
> like this together for the race tracks.  Each track has handheld devices
> that are used to record bets/payouts, etc.  These devices can't be
> connected all the time, but a sync system is pretty easy because all they
> ever do is _add_ new records.  Thus, you assign each handheld a unique
> device ID, and that's part of the primary key for each table, so there's
> no chance of of conflict.

Sounds pretty simple...probably the tip of the iceberg. :)

> Sounds like a fun and challenging project.  I'm jealous.

It's not a project yet, but the tender is out...all we've got to do is
win it. It's a shame the tender is fixed (for someone else), but
blowing the whistle might help.

Thanks for sharing. Cheers,

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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