On Friday 19 October 2007 3:03 pm, Valerie Cole wrote:
> Hello
> I have a problem and am pretty sure Hibernate is the culprit but was
> wondering if anybody knew of a fix.  We are working on legacy code and
> converted a class from Hibernate 2 xml mappings to Hibernate 3 with
> annotations.  On one of the One To Many attributes we have used the
> @OrderBy("displayPosition").  The SQL generated by Hibernate outputs the
> column name as DisplayPosition with no quoting, and Postgres kicks back
> an error saying the column does not exist.  Our tables/columns have all
> been created with quotes and must be accessed with quotes (I don't know
> if that is the norm, I am somewhat of a Postgres newb).  I have been
> Googling for about an hour and unable to come up with anything, so I
> thought I would drop a line.
> Thanks,
> V. Cole
You might to look at:
See esp. section 5.4 on SQL quoted identifiers
Adrian Klaver

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