On Sat, Oct 20, 2007 at 11:11:32PM -0700, snacktime wrote:
> So what would really help me is some real world numbers on how
> postgresql is doing in the wild under pressure.  If anyone cares to
> throw some out I would really appreciate it.

One of my databases has about 70M rows inserted, 30M rows updated,
70M rows deleted, and 3G rows retrieved per day.  At peak times of
the day it sustains around 120K rows/minute inserted, 80K rows/minute
updated or deleted, and 3.5M rows/minute retrieved and it has room
to grow.  Usage patterns are different than for a web application,
however: transaction rates are low (a few hundred per minute) and
most logic is in database functions with statements that operate
on hundreds or thousands of rows at a time.  Still, this gives an
idea of what a PostgreSQL database on decent hardware can handle.

Michael Fuhr

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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