Roberts, Jon wrote:

When you edit a function, package, procedure, trigger, etc, it will notify
you via a pop-up window if there is a difference in the committed version
and the database version.  You can then click "show differences" and then it
pops up another window with your typical code differences window.

Wouldn't the fact that the thing has been edited suggest that it has, indeed, been changed?

Of course, having a diff pop up in your GUI package of choice would be nice if that's your favoured way to work.

When you are done revising the code, you then commit it to the repository in
the tool with a click of a button.

So the long story short I'm getting is, "no it is not on the radar".  This
is terribly ironic given the fact that pgAdmin is developed using source
control but the code you write with the tool doesn't have any hooks into
source control.

About as ironic as any other random software package/project that also uses version control in development not having those hooks.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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