On Sat, Oct 27, 2007 at 12:56:37PM -0500, Perry Smith wrote:
> On my Mac systems, this work.  On my AIX system it does not.  I get:
> createdb dog -E utf8
> createdb: too many command-line arguments (first is "utf8")
> Try "createdb --help" for more information.
> Has anyone else bumped in to this?  Is putting the arguments after  
> the database name known to work?  Looking at the code, it seems  
> rather magical that it works but I just looked at the main routine in  
> createdb.c and not the routines it calls.

It's been a while since I've dealt with AIX, but try putting your
options before the option-less arguments.  How it works is not magical,
it's just using getopt_long, and some getopts stop checking for options
after the first non-option argument it receives.


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