That makes sense, thanx. Another individual was having problems adjusting the shared_memory settings higher than 1.2GB on a 8GB 64bit machine running Vista. Whenever he would adjust higher than that, the postgresql service wouldn't start throwing some kind of error. In linux, one would simple adjust the SHMMAX settings. If there's no such setting in Windows, then the problem must lie somewhere else.

On a side, the docs could be a little more clear on this. ( The only reference to Windows says "(For the Windows port, PostgreSQL provides its own replacement implementation of these facilities)".


Magnus Hagander wrote:
 > > Does anyone know how to adjust the IPC settings in Windows?
There aren't any such settings in Windows, AFAIK.

Correct. The only real adjustable limit is the size of the Windows pagefile, 
but that one is normally dynamic. But there must be room for all the shared 
memory in it. It's not going to be there, but the space is reserved.

That said, if you need to increase the pagefile size to accomodate your shared 
buffers, you likely have way too large value for shared buffers.


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