On 30.11.2007, at 04:48, Wolfgang Keller wrote:

LSI drivers are not available for MacOS X on PowerMacs? Ouch.

The problem is that they suck as they can't to channel bundling for higher trough-put to a single disk array.

[not your comment, but referred there]
and Mac OS X, PostgreSQL has enough
performance issues that I feel using those plaforms can only be
justified if platform compatibility is more important than
performance to you.

Actually - In our test if just used with a similar load as pgbench (e.g. typical web applications) Mac OS X 10.4.7 performed better then Yellow Dog Linux (I was testing with G5 hardware) on the same hardware as soon as more than about 90 concurrent clients were simulated.

But okay, don't trust statistics you didn't make up yourself ...


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