On 12/10/07, Ted Byers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK.  A worry.  How is template_postgis constructed?
> Is it just a handy reference to template1?  Or does it
> exist independantly?  I don't want to be dropping
> template1 only to find that breaking template_postgis.

All databases are separate entities--the data copy only happens at
creation time, based on the template you specify.  The
'template_postgis' DB is not a standard PG database, so either it's
created by the PostGIS install, or someone at your site set it up.

It sounds like the thing for you to do is drop template1 (which will
have no effect on template_postgis), create it again from template0,
and use template_postgis when you need it (otherwise template1 will be
used by default for new databases).


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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