On 11/12/2007 14:57, Richard Huxton wrote:

It's one of those "common knowledge" things that are obvious to everyone who's done it once themselves. It's just part of the nature of how email works. Google around "mailing list etiquette" and you should see plenty of guidelines.

It might be a good idea to append a mini-FAQ, covering these items, to the automatic email which is sent out to new list subscribers. For example, something along these lines:

// >>>>
Please note in particular the following points of netiquette:

* Don't top-post, as it makes for confusing reading.

* Don't start a new thread by replying to an old one, because [insert suitable technical explanation here].

Failure to observe the above may result in your question going unanswered.
// <<<<<


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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