Greg Stark shaped the electrons to read:

> "Obe, Regina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well said Greg.  I have the same problem too of having a crippled mail
> > reader :)  Really I find mid posting hard to follow especially if I'm
> > the one that posted the question.  I hope we aren't going to hit people
> > with hammers over this minor infraction.  It really makes one feel
> > unwelcome.
> I'm sorry, to what were you referring? To which Greg were you responding to?

I'd like to think my post, but yours are more polite ... the politeness factor 
is a major thing in making a list work. Comparing Blackberry users to 
wife-beating zealots is not being nice (or making a good case).

My point was not that people shouldn't follow the rules / preferences of a news 
group, but rather that there are reasons why people sometimes transgress 
(habit, software, ignorance). This is an issue best dealt with in the initial 
sign up mails (repeating the basics of not hijacking threads, not top posting, 
etc. is always good), and politely thereafter.

I sympathize with frustration at repeat transgressions, but in the end this 
*not* a moral issue, let alone a religious one, which it seems to be for some, 
judging by the # of posts.

Now back to work !

Greg W.
DBA, GlobeXplorer

<... usual corporate warning deleted because (a) already posted in first 
comment and (b) it _is_ silly and (c) I don't wanna tick anyone off anymore...>

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