Merlin Moncure wrote:
On Dec 12, 2007 2:14 AM, Samantha Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This brings up a second question.  How should I do byte order
conversion for 8 byte ints?  I can't use hton ntoh routines as they
max out at 32 bits.  Is there a better way?  Also, are floating point
numbers guaranteed uniform?

If any one knows a a clean code example of binary binding of
parameters and binary extraction of results for all major types in C
against lippq that would be a very useful thing to have in the
standard docs.

We are working on a patch (not necessarily to be migrated with the
source code) to allow simplified binding of binary types to native C
types.  You can see an older version here: it has examples how to read
off a lot of the types in binary.  We should have a new patch in a day
or two that should demonstrate how to read the rest of the types in
binary.  We also handled 64 bit ints...

the patch is here

if you are patient we can provide examples for all the basic built in
types, including possibly arrays...


p.s  don't top post, but I dig Ron Paul :-)

This is from the patch merlin mentioned.

static unsigned int *swap8(void *outp, void *inp, int tonet)
  static int n = 1;
  unsigned int *in = (unsigned int *)inp;
  unsigned int *out = (unsigned int *)outp;

  /* swap when needed */
  if(*(char *)&n == 1)
    out[0] = (unsigned int)(tonet ? htonl(in[1]) : ntohl(in[1]));
    out[1] = (unsigned int)(tonet ? htonl(in[0]) : ntohl(in[0]));
    out[0] = in[0];
    out[1] = in[1];

  return out;

// example
if(PQfformat(res, field_num) == 1)
  long long n;
  swap8(&n, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), 0);
  printf("%lld\n", n);

It will works with doubles as well.


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