On Dec 19, 2007 7:40 AM, Richard Huxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Geoff Ellingwood wrote:
> Any help would be appreciated; I have quite a bit of data in my 8.1cluster
> > (active phpBB, etc.), and while I could upgrade to 8.2 or even the 8.3beta,
> > I don't know how I would be able to migrate a database if the postmaster
> > process is unable to start.
> Step 1 is to make sure you have a backup of your database directory.
> That's *everything* in .../pgsql/data (or wherever). You're going to
> have to get the database running again and dump it.
> Step 2 will be to revert the locale packages (at least). I'd actually
> recommend going back to a completely "clean" system and staring again
> unless you're clear what's gone wrong.
> You'll need to read this and figure out exactly what changes you've made
> first.
>   http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/
> Sections 3.8/9/10 are probably the most important, but read the lot
> before doing anything.
> Best bet for help then is an ubuntu/debian list, but as long as you've
> got backups you'll be OK.

I think my best bet is going to be to nuke my 8.1 installation from orbit
(after making a backup of the cluster directory) and let Ubuntu configure it
correctly with whatever locale managed to squeeze itself into my system.
When I was fiddling with it last night, I did manage to get a copy of 8.2 up
and running, but I knew that I couldn't just copy 8.1's data directory over
top of 8.2's.

So, what are tips for completely removing 8.1 after I've made my backups?
Will "apt-get remove -purge" be sufficient, or am I going to need to track
down individual binaries and config files as well?

-- Geoff

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